Jonathan B. Daks
Welcome to
Attorney Personal Injury Van Nuys
- Since 1982, we at Attorney Personal Injury Van Nuys have been helping accident victims get fair and just compensation.
- As Personal Injury Attorneys, we at Attorney Personal Injury Van Nuys serve the Los Angeles area from our offices on Ventura Boulevard in the city of Encino, adjoining Sherman Oaks, Reseda, Tarzana and Van Nuys.
- Located in the San Fernando Valley, we at Attorney Personal Injury Van Nuys are freeway-close to all of Los Angeles County and Southern California, serving clients in San Bernardino, Orange County, Riverside, Ventura, San Diego and Santa Barbara.
- When necessary, we at Attorney Personal Injury Van Nuys associate and work with attorneys in other states, from Nevada to New York.
- Thank you for giving us at Attorney Personal Injury Van Nuys an opportunity to work with you.